Terms and Conditions Terms and Conditions - Whitehatrecoverie

Terms and Conditions

Before using this website, Whitehat Recoverie (the "Administration"), please make sure you have carefully read these Terms and Conditions (the "Terms", "Terms and Conditions")

Section 1: Definitions of business words explained for your benefit

The phrases Whitehat Recoverie is referred to as "Company," "We," "Us," and "Our."

The terms "Client," "You," and "Your" relate to the individual to whom our terms of business are addressed.

The term "Compensation" refers to the amount paid to the Client for redress granted to You, and it is calculated as the total cash received, or the total refund before any offset: (a) against any payments, (b) for tax purposes, or both.

The term “Contract” refers to the responsibilities established between the Company and You as outlined in these Terms of our Business.

The term “Claim” refers to a formal complaint filed by Us on Your behalf against Your Bank.

The term “Bank” refers to a bank, building society, financing provider, broker/intermediary, credit card, or other similar company.

Section 2: What "We" as service providers undertake to do

2.1 Assess your case and, if appropriate and in your best interests, initiate a Claim to recover losses on your behalf.

2.2 Handle all parts of your claim, including all talks and correspondence with appropriate banks and/or institutions. To provide our services, we may require additional signed paperwork from You.

2.3 Keep You aware of any/all settlement offers we receive and recommend whether You should reject or accept the offer.

2.4 When continuing with Your request, always act in Your best interests.

2.5 Advising you on steps that will expedite the processing of your claim.

2.6 Please send any questions you have about our services or these terms to support info@whitehatrecoverie.com so that we may better serve your requirements and make our fund recovery services more efficient and successful for you.

2.7 If the financial institution rejects the claim, the Client should provide a scanned copy of the official rejection letter to info@whitehatrecoverie.com as soon as possible so that the Company can investigate the cause. Once the letter is secured, the Company will meet with the Client to discuss the various choices.

Section 3: Your Responsibilities as a "Client." You consent to

3.1 Provide Us with any paperwork and supporting information that We reasonably request as soon as possible.

3.2 Ensure that the information provided to Us is true and not intentionally misleading in any way.

3.3 Notify Us promptly if You receive any communication from Your Bank or other financial institution, including Compensation payments for Claims lodged on Your behalf by Us.

3.4 You permit Us to report Your Claim to other authorities if we consider it is in your best interests.

3.5 You undertake to keep us aware of any offer of Compensation from Your Bank in connection with a Claim caused by Us.

3.6 You approve and request that We explore any agreements or financial transactions You may have had if we feel it is in Your best interests. It might contain new contracts identified as part of our study.

If You want, You may request that We not investigate accusations.

3.7 To provide Us and ensure that we have the only ability to act on Your and Your behalf to: (a) pursue a claim and (b) negotiate with Your Bank.

3.8 We will not revoke, limit, or terminate Our right to act on Your behalf from Your bank.

3.9 Please notify Us immediately if Your contact information changes.

Section 4: Contract Cancellation and Termination

4.1 We have the right to cancel this agreement at any time.

4.2 We shall have the right, at any time, by giving written notice to the Client, to cancel the Contract immediately if: You are declared bankrupt and enter into a voluntary arrangement with Your creditors.

Section 5: Our Executions

5.1 We will be held accountable exclusively for our acts and performance in carrying out the services stated in this agreement. We are not responsible for the performance of the Bank, or any other third party.

5.2 We will use reasonable efforts to provide the services provided in Section 2 as indicated. We cannot, however, guarantee that You will win Your Claim.

Section 6: How will we utilize your data?

6.1 We share your information with banks, financial partners, and other third-party providers to run your case and provide you with services.

6.2 During our partnership with you, we may collect and utilize information (including personal data as defined by Data Protection Legislation) from you. Our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website at https://whitehatrecoverie.com/, explains how we collect, keep, utilize, and share your data. Our Privacy Policy describes the types of personal data that we collect about you, as well as additional ways in which we safeguard and use such personal data, including but not limited to details of the legal grounds of processing, and your rights under Data Protection Legislation, such as access, withdrawal of consent, deletion, restriction, transport, and object to the processing of your data. 

Section 7: Our Responsibility

7.1 Nothing in the Contract shall limit or exclude Our responsibility for (i) death or personal injury caused by its breach of duty, (ii) any violation of obligations imposed by relevant law, or (iii) any other liability that cannot be restricted or eliminated by applicable law.

7.2 We are obligated to keep and handle information about You before we may consider Your Claim.

7.3 If a bank believes it is essential to close a client's account. We take no responsibility for any consequential loss or other consequences of the account deletion.

Section 8: Law and Conflicts

8.1 The Contract and Your relationship with us will be governed by the laws of The United States Of America, with American courts having exclusive jurisdiction.

8.2 If a court rules that any of the provisions in these Terms are unlawful or unenforceable, the remainder of the provisions in these Terms shall continue in effect. These Terms constitute our whole understanding of our Service and supersede any prior understandings we may have had regarding the Service.

Section 9: Costumer Notice

9.1 For questions or concerns regarding these Terms and Conditions, please contact us at info@whitehatrecoverie.com.

9.2 You confirm that you have read and accept these Terms and Conditions by using our website. WhiteHat Recoverie is dedicated to offering a secure and encouraging environment while we work together to get your money back.

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